Rewilding the atmospheric Knepp Gardens – The walled garden has been transformed from well kept lawns to a wonderful wild garden, full of different habitats teaming with wildlife. Having introduced grazing animals including Longhorn Cattle, Exmoor Ponies, Deer, Tamorth Pigs for example to the gardens, which causes physical disturbance to the landscape. Combined with natural vegetation succession, they work together to generate new biodiverstiy in insects, birds and other wildlife. Informative talks at Knepp with a walking tour along the gravel footpaths between planting guides you around the interesting gardens. Where we can learn about the different habitiats created for wildlife . Teaching us the need to encourage new diverse species into our outdoor spaces.

The Pool Area of the garden is a beautiful wild space and features a timber Pergola decorated with Stag Horns. A late summer visit sees the gardens still full of colour and form with large Stipa gigantea and tall statuesque Italian Cyprus Trees amongst others.

Wildlife at Knepp
There have been a large number of common species breeding here, as well as rare species , including endangered Turtle Doves and Nightingales. Also owls, woodpeckers, skylarks, sparrows Peregrine falcons, kites, sparrowhawks, ravens and yellowhammers. Butterflies including the purple emperor are thriving as wll as rare beetles and dragonflies. The restoration of water meadows have encouraged marshland plants, which were in decline, the water violet water-parsnips and marsh speedwell, great yellow cress and rush. Many species of Bats, Moths, Mayflies have found a home at Nepp.