Knepp Rewilding

Diana Arnold Design- garden visit
Rewilding at Knepp

The Pool Area of the garden is a beautiful wild space and features a timber Pergola decorated with Stag Horns. A late summer visit sees the gardens still full of colour and form with large Stipa gigantea and tall statuesque Italian Cyprus Trees amongst others.

Diana Arnold Design
Knepp Visit in late august
Diana Arnold Design Garden visit
Mixed Planting at Knepp

There have been a large number of common species breeding here, as well as rare species , including endangered Turtle Doves and Nightingales. Also owls, woodpeckers, skylarks, sparrows Peregrine falcons, kites, sparrowhawks, ravens and yellowhammers. Butterflies including the purple emperor are thriving as wll as rare beetles and dragonflies. The restoration of water meadows have encouraged marshland plants, which were in decline, the water violet water-parsnips and marsh speedwell, great yellow cress and rush. Many species of Bats, Moths, Mayflies have found a home at Nepp.

Surrey Magazine

Diana Arnold Design Advert Autumn Edition
Advert in Surrey Magazine

Autumn is a great time for planning your new Garden and Interior Design. This Autumn Diana Arnold Design is advertising in the fantastic quarterly Surrey Magazine publication and the online edition. The Surrey Magazine covers the Arts, Interiors and Design. Also Fashion, Travel to 5 Star Destinations and much more.

Also see our advert in the FLGCA Fairlands monthly communtity Magazine this September

The Gardens and Coastline of Madeira


Past visits to inspirational places for garden and interior design include Madeira. Black rock and sands, a rugged coastline of this archipelago in the North Atlantic Ocean. Here you’ll find fabulous plants and wildlife. The mountain-top Monte Garden is accessible by the Fenicular Cable Car.

Garden visits
of this archipelago in Fabulous plants and wildlife.
Black rock and sands
Dicksonia antarctica
Protea Leucadendron Argenteum,

In March the planting includes massive Tree Ferns, spectacular tropical Palms. An interesting plant with silver leaves and cones, Protea Leucadendron Argenteum, which I’ve never seen before is spectacular. Tropical plants and trees here are mixed with African Sculpture, a Chinese Garden and Flamingo Ponds.

African Sculptures amongst the plants
Cycad Encephalartos Transvenosus

Design Consultation Service at Diana Arnold Design

Planting Design

The Design Consultation Service- Our Short Design Consultation Service includes an initial meeting and a couple of days of design work, then a Design Meeting or Report. If you require help on a specific task or would appreciate some creative input this service may suit you. The price is available on application.

New Surrey Garden Design
The extended Deck and Planting Diana Arnold Design

A short Design Consultation service can be a new Planting Plan for a revamped Planting Border to add colour form and a framework to a garden. Otherwise some ideas for an Interior space, as an introduction to the full design service.

We would meet you at your property, to discuss your project and talk through my Design Portfolio.  The Consultation is designed to inspire Clients, with some professional design direction. For this service our client provides photos and all the dimensions necessary. We focus on creating a design to inspire Clients. With a completed Sketch Plan with Mood Board, or a Design Report, we can then meet-up to discuss your project or work online.

Interior Mood Board
Interior Living Room Mood Board